I wrote today's article to show how Anointing brings power
In the Old Testament, ordinary people were made kings and prophets. In the New Testament, apostles. Today's article explains how anointing transformed Queen Elizabeth.
Find out what this means for you!.
Episode Five: “Smoke and Mirrors” or “The Anointing”:
This episode of “The Crown” opens in 1937, and young princess Elizabeth is helping her father prepare for his coronation. He asks her to “play the archbishop”, to practice “The Anointing.” Without it he cannot be king. Why? Because, as a man, he has no power to keep the “inviolable” promise of a king.
He must come to God and be sanctified. As the holy oil is applied, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, he is transformed, infused with power and enabled to rule. In his words, opening Episode 5 of “The Crown:"
“When the holy oil touches, I am transformed, brought into direct contact with the divine. Forever changed. Bound to God. It is the most important part of the entire ceremony.” And so it is with us as we receive the Holy Ghost. We are forever changed as the Gospel brings us into contact with the divine, and the Holy Spirit fills us with His power to live and share the Gospel with the world.
Like her father, King George VI (1895–1952), Queen Elizabeth* (1926-2022) has been chosen by God and understands the power and necessity of the Anointing. The “worldlings” do not. They see this holy event as “smoke and mirrors,” an outdated ritual that no longer has meaning to 20th-century people.
An asterisk * after a name means that the person has a short biography in SPIRITUAL LIVES.
Chosen and Ascended but not Crowned
The young Queen is now officially established but not crowned. She faces difficulties with her husband, uncle, and prime minister, all of whom are skeptics and men of the world. She is stuck in the mechanics of government and administration. The men to whom she looks for guidance and affirmation want to limit or influence her authority. They have no spiritual vision and function wholly via the things that are seen. To them the Crown is not related to the Gospel at all, it is a mere ornament, a symbol for them to use to establish their policies.
Connecting with God and the Gospel
Seeking guidance in her dilemma, Elizabeth goes to her grandmother, Queen Mary (1867 – 1953), for help. The old queen is a believer in the Crown, the Gospel, and the Anointing. You may remember Queen Mary’s letter to the new queen telling her she was directly responsible to God.
“Do you really believe that?” Elizabeth asks.
The answer in unequivocal: “ Monarchy is God’s sacred mission to grace and dignify the earth. To give ordinary people an ideal to strive towards, an example of nobility and duty to raise them in their wretched lives. Monarchy is a calling from God.”
Buoyed by this, Elizabeth is determined to be faithful. She puts her husband in charge of the coronation, and all his impulses and ideas are to update what he thinks is an out-of-date ceremony. He wants to modernize the event, televise it, and make it more “egalitarian.” But when he revises the ancient, never-before-changed liturgy, even the prime minister is troubled and brings it to his private audience with Her Majesty.
She decides to allow television cameras but refuses to change the ceremony from its Christian roots. In the end, Prince Philip accedes and bows, her liegeman forever, keeping his promise to her father and remembering his duty to protect, support, and defend the queen.
Anointing brings Power and Gospel Authority
As the ceremony unfolds in “The Crown’, its stately, regal, and holy progress moves solemnly to the moment of the Anointing. Then, Her Majesty is hidden from view behind temple veils while the Archbishop takes the holy oil and anoints her hands, her breast, and her forehead. As he does, he exclaims, “As kings, priests, and prophets were anointed, and as Solomon* (1034-975BC) was anointed king by Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet so be thou, anointed, blessed, and consecrated Queen over the peoples whom the Lord thy God has given thee to rule and govern.”
As he does, the entire assembly rises to the majestic music of Zadok the Priest. They lift their hands and crowns in praise and adoration. The connection has been made. The Anointing has empowered and divinely sealed her as Queen in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. She has been set apart from all others, sealed as God’s servant and ruler of the peoples He has given her.
How Does This Apply to Me?
We, too, have been chosen by God to have a place in His kingdom. When we are born again, we see that kingdom and enter in by “water and by blood.” So it was with Jesus' disciples in Judea 2,000 years ago. They were in the kingdom but had no power. Jesus* (4BC-30 AD) told them to wait for that power. It would come via a supernatural anointing, the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. And it was this power that enabled them to preach the Gospel, to heal, and to change the world. Through them and us will flow “rivers of living water.” Healing waters, holy waters, wonder-working power of the Holy Ghost. This is the Anointing.
Ask the Lord Jesus to baptize you with the Holy Ghost, who will anoint you with an understanding of God's Word and the same power He gave to His disciples. He wants to anoint us and gave this encouragement:
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? - Jesus in Matthew 7:11
PENTECOSTAL POWER You can sing along here
Lord, as of old, at Pentecost,
Thou didst Thy power display,
With cleansing, purifying flame,
Descend on us today.
Lord, send the old-time power,
the Pentecostal power!
Thy floodgates of blessing,
on us throw open wide!
Lord, send the old-time power,
the Pentecostal power!
That sinners be converted
and Thy Name glorified!
For mighty works for Thee, prepare
And strengthen every heart;
Come, take possession of Thine own,
And never more depart. Refrain
All self consume, all sin destroy!
With earnest zeal endue
Each waiting heart to work for Thee;
O Lord, our faith renew! Refrain
Speak, Lord! before Thy throne we wait,
Thy promise we believe,
And will not let Thee go until
The blessing we receive. Refrain
Words & Music: Charles H. Gabriel, 1912
But YE SHALL RECEIVE POWER, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. --Jesus in Acts 1:8