About Me
Ken Kalis
Author, Historian, Bible Teacher
When Was Christianity Founded?
What Happens When You Die? A Christian Perspective
10 Life-giving Benefits of Studying Christian History
Worship in the Bible: Alive & Proven for 4,000 years
Grieve Not the Holy Spirit: Be Aware of 6 Big Dangers
Brief History of Christianity: Overcoming the World
Millennium in the Bible: Fraud or Reality?
Anglican Church History: 2000 Years of Faith, Truth, and Royalty
Presbyterian Religion: Calvinism and More
Devotional Reading: Walking with Jesus
Romantic Poets: Christians at Heart?
King James Bible: the Word of God
Elizabeth Barrett Browning; Christian poet.
Christian Literature: A Precious Gift
Servant Of Christ: Highest And Lowest Of Calls
Treasures in Heaven
7 of Satan's devices...and How to Defeat Them
False Witness: Lying+
Dante's "Divine Comedy"and the Bible
Only Believe: Short but Important