I discovered Anskar while researching SPIRITUAL LIVES.
God spoke to him in visions and sent him to the hostile heathens.
Facing fierce oppostion, being often expelled, Anskar never faultered.
As a result all of the north of Europe turned from their idols to Jesus.
Is Jesus calling you today? Obey His call!
Anskar was born in 801, the year after Charlemagne* (742-814) was crowned
Emperor. But at this time, the Dark Ages were still very dark. To the north
and west of Charlemagne’s realms lay vast lands where paganism still was
practiced among the fierce Barbarian tribes.
An asterisk* after a name means the person is in SPIRITUL LIVES.
Inspired by the work of Boniface* (675 - 754) he believed God called him
to preach the Gospel to those who were lost. He began having visions
when he was 5 years old, which continued throughout his life. Their
content provided the direction of his evangelizing work.
Before he began his mission to pagans of the north, he heard a voice
responding to his question: " Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do? Go and
declare the word of God to the nations."
Anskar began his work in Denmark, working with the king to preach
the Gospel to the Danish people, still steeped in pagan worship. The
journey and country were then so dangerous that he could find only one
man to go with him, but they went and began their work by training 12
boys to become evangelists.
But the Danish people were hostile to the Gospel and revolted against
their king and Anskar was forced to leave, and his work was incomplete.
He immediately focused his efforts on the Swedes, traveling to Birka
(Sweden's oldest city) in 829, establishing a small Christian community there.
After two years, he returned to report to the Emperor, who made him bishop
of Hamburg, a town founded by Charlemagne in 808.
From there, Anskar sent his nephew Gautbert ( 800?-864)) to Sweden, where he ministered until he was driven out by the heathen in 845. The same year, the Northmen overran
Hamburg. They devastated the whole country, destroying almost all the Christian churches.
Anskar sought to overcome desolation for several years, and in 849
became Archbishop of Bremen, receiving King Eric of Jutland's (9th century) permission
to resume missionary work in Denmark. There, he built a church at Schleswig and sent Ardgar to Sweden, where he evangelized for 10 years, Anskar joining him in 853.
While he was away, fighting in Denmark destroyed King Eric and his Christian supporters, and pagan warlords took charge of the country. They wiped out Christian worship at Schleswig and carried off or sold many Christians into slavery. Anskar went to the pagan
chiefs and negotiated the release of the captives but was very distressed that
so much of his work of the Lord had been set back.
True from an earthly viewpoint, but the heavenly view in brighter:
"Counting the number of those healed by his prayers and anointing is impossible. For according to the statement made by many persons, sick people came eagerly to him, not only from his own diocese but from a great distance, demanding from him healing medicine.
He, however, preferred that this should be kept quiet rather than that it should be noised abroad." – Adam of Bremen. (1050? - 1085)
Anskar died on February 3, 865, at the age of 64, more than half his
life having been spent in missionary work in Denmark, Sweden, and
northern Germany. Today, he is honored as "the Apostle of the North" in
Germany and Scandinavia. How much more will Jesus say, "Well done,
though good and faithful servant." Matthew 25:23
Go Ye Into All The World And Preach The Gospel,
Far, far away, in heathen darkness dwelling,
Millions of souls forever may be lost;
Who, who will go, salvation’s story telling,
Looking to Jesus, heeding not the cost?
“All power is given unto Me,
All power is given unto Me,
Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel,
And lo, I am with you always.”
See o’er the world wide open doors inviting,
Soldiers of Christ, arise and enter in!
Christians, awake! your forces all uniting,
Send forth the Gospel, break the chains of sin. Refrain
“Why will you die?” the voice of God is calling.
“Why will you die?” re-echo in His Name;
Jesus has died to save from death appalling,
Life and salvation, therefore go proclaim. Refrain
God speed the day, when those of every nation
“Glory to God!” triumphantly shall sing.
Ransomed, redeemed, rejoicing in salvation,
Shout “Hallelujah, for the Lord is King.” . Refrain
James Mc¬Granahan, 1886
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe
all things whatsoever I have commanded you:
and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end
of the world. Amen. Matthew 28:19
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
If you're going through hell, keep going.
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.